Final notes from the desk of our student leaders!
By svoon
Final notes from the desk of our student leaders ♡ Caitlin: On our last day in London, we all met up at our usual 9:30 for a trip to the National Gallery. I, the most directionally challenged of the student leaders, took the lead navigating the group, and we only almost got lost […]
Day 18: July 30, 2023
By jarrexi
Hear ye! Hear ye! I am moments away from regaling you with the tales of the trials and tribulations of the 18th day of this magnificent trip! So sit down! Rest your feet! And prepare yourself for an epic like no other! Our story begins in a quiet manner, for only 3 (no more, no […]
Day 17: July 29, 2023
By jarrexi
Howdy there bruvs! The day started off with a bang as some of the Brown Scholars ate at the Imperial College dining hall while others slept in a little to eat breakfast at local eateries. After a quick ride on the underground, we found ourselves at St. Paul’s Cathedral, a massive domed cathedral with intricate […]
Day 16: July 28, 2023
By jarrexi
After the ever-shrinking group of breakfast-goers returned from the dining hall, the whole team (minus a few) piled on to the coach for a quick nap en route to Windsor Castle. Due to an injury, a few of us stayed behind to explore Chelsea. The rest took an audio tour of the Royal Apartments and […]
Day 15: July 27, 2023
By jarrexi
Our grand epic begins later in the morning than usual. Each adventurer struggled to fight the urge to roll over and shut off their alarms, and while the battle was close, most of our heroes were triumphant and made an appearance at breakfast. While the grub was good, they began to realize the difficulty in […]
Day 14: July 26, 2023
By jarrexi
Hello loyal readers! After our first few days in London, it was finally time to branch out from the big city. We hopped on the bus and got ready for our journey to the prestigious Oxford University. On the way, some trip members caught up on lost sleep and were caught on camera. At Oxford, […]