Our grand epic begins later in the morning than usual. Each adventurer struggled to fight the urge to roll over and shut off their alarms, and while the battle was close, most of our heroes were triumphant and made an appearance at breakfast. While the grub was good, they began to realize the difficulty in consuming the same set of food each and every morning. Fortunately, today was brightened for everyone by the fact that it was the hero Akira's birthday. Following the fulfilling meal, the merry group dispersed for coffee and a moment of rest before the trials of the day were to begin.
They met outside their home with the tour guides of the day: Leo and Clarissa. These brave travelers guided the group through the perils of the underground in the safest manner available, but some of our keener adventurers deciphered a more efficient (while more difficult) route to our destination. Fortunately the journey was short and the heroes arrived in Greenwich shortly after. As they traveled to their destination, they made sure to scope out the market for potential luncheon locations. The naval museum contained many wonders to explore, including the back of a boat, an operating boat engine, and the coat jacket of a famous British Admiral. To complete the planned portion of the expedition, the group hiked up to the nearby observatory to discover the origins of how time was tracked and how captains navigated the treacherous seas through adjusting their clocks based on where on the globe they were. Several people also successfully stood on two hemispheres at once!
The expedition (and skipping breakfast) had worn out many of the adventurers rather quickly, so a group split up and rushed down the hill to quest for something to quench their hunger. The remaining team waited to watch the daily ball drop at the Greenwich observatory at 1pm before rolling down the slope themselves to follow after their companions. From brisket sandwiches to strawberry Gelato, the Greenwich market had much to offer the starving heroes, and everyone agreed that the food was delicious.
On the return journey, the group discovered a new passageway back to Imperial College: a boat. Through the deep, perilous waters of the Thames River, our brave adventurers sailed to reach Westminster Abby. From there, the team split up and rushed to accomplish as many feats as possible before everything began to close. In a race against time, the explorers witnessed the British Parliament in action, learned about the history of space travel, marveled at the beauty of ancient art, and (the most dangerous task of all) dared to sleep through the afternoon. With new knowledge gained and experiences cataloged, the group reunited upon the footsteps of the college.
Tonight, dinner was even more exhilarating than it normally is. Cakes were brought out and singing was in order in celebration of Akira's birthday. Apparently, the cake looked so good that a fellow adventurer from another group couldn't help but ask for some. Everyone was amused and Mr. Altendorf demonstrated some of his magic skills to her while she chowed down. Fully sated, the team split yet again. Some decided to watch the new Oppenheimer film, while others hopped on bicycles to explore town, and yet others wandered off together to discover what London had in store for them.
As the evening closes in and the shroud of darkness envelopes the bright and bustling city, the heroes of our story each slowly (but surely) find their own way to their beds and promptly fall into a deep sleep, for they are all sorely exhausted and yearning for each moment of shut-eye they can catch at this point in their journey.
Signing off
Mr. Bendixen & Mr. Kinley