Hear ye! Hear ye! I am moments away from regaling you with the tales of the trials and tribulations of the 18th day of this magnificent trip! So sit down! Rest your feet! And prepare yourself for an epic like no other!
Our story begins in a quiet manner, for only 3 (no more, no less!) of our storymakers found within themselves the wherewithal to trudge the rugged path to the dining hall on time. However, no sooner had they plopped into a chair to eat, than were they joined by some of their fellow journeyers. With food in their belly and a pep in their step, our breakfast goers each made a crucial decision: were they to fall into the temptation of another hour of sleep, or would they brave the morning to explore Hyde Park?
And yet, this grand morning begins with our band of brethren separated already! Not only had dear Nick left early in the morning, but Alex, David, and Luke departed to London Oratory for Mass at 8 and, following service in a beautiful church, stopped at a quaint breakfast shop. With delicious ciabattas in hand (one deliciously cranberry-flavored), the adventurers returned to their domiciles.
The time had arrived. The clock struck 9 and (most) everyone turned from their present task to prepare for the challenges the day had in stock for them. With a glimmer in their eyes, our merry, but motley, crew reconvened outside the dorms, yawning, but ready to explore and conquer yet another castle.
The group met their mentors (tour guides) for the morning, Steve and Helena, and they promptly set off to rediscover the wonders of those buildings erected in dedication to Prince Albert. Sarah attempted to explain to Helena why our accents weren't the southern drawl she was expecting while they passed by the Royal Albert Hall and trekked through the vegetation of Hyde Park. With great trepidation, the adventurers crept into Kensington Palace to view a vast collection of dresses, both antiquated and modern. Along the way, they uncovered secrets regarding the royal Queen Victoria's muddied past. As the team burst out of the doors of the Palace, they split up for coffee, for gardens, and for napping!
Following their return, the travelers searched their memories for the way to the classroom and, after several long and treacherous flights of stairs, wearily took their seats. They began their tireless labor as they crafted glorious presentations about myriad interesting topics. During their work, they were graciously granted sustenance in the form of sandwiches, chips, and apples. After they made their final touches, presentations began with Animals in Art. Each group presented in turn until it was time to collect the votes and determine the winner.
In the meantime, our glorious leader Luke delivered a riveting oration concerning the organizational structure of our beloved educational institution. We gazed on attentively as we learned about the many offices involved in the operation of Texas A&M and the role of the faculty with whom we will soon interact. Following the conclusion of his session, Luke announced the results of the voting on our presentation. The group presenting on historical death rituals (Sir Hunt, Sir Jones, and to a lesser extent, Sir Bendixen) claimed the trophy and emerged victorious from the cutthroat competition on top.
With both feelings of triumph and utter and total defeat (so terrible was the Death Ritual's victory that everyone else shuffled out in total shame), the group divided itself again before returning for dinner. While most of the weary travelers retired to their locations of residence, some brave souls decided to journey out of the dorms. One group found themselves in CeX in search of cheap games and electronic equipment. Unfortunately, Nikhil found his attempts to purchase games foiled by his youth but still left in good spirits and with plans to return.
A separate set of individuals weathered the storm to acquire Boba to slake their thirst. Unfortunately, the storm delayed their approach and they were caught amongst the crowd bustling through the dinner line. Nevertheless, they bravely waited in line and, with food in their trays, indulged in the delicious meal before making plans to further explore the city.
Satisfied with the outcome of their presentations and their dinner, one group of travelers set off to attend the famed market of Spitalfield. They set off with dreams and wonder in their eyes, but a great darkness loomed in the distance. Their hopes would soon be dashed as time’s lethal march would prevent them from frequenting the shops. Dismayed and disheveled, they stumbled to Five Guys in a daze, consoling themselves with sugary milkshakes. Spirits brightened, or at least sweetened, they headed home a jolly bunch, unencumbered by their failure to attend the market.
Sated by dinner, another group of three stumbled through the slick streets of London to not one, not two, but three different bus stops before racing to catch up with the vehicle they desired. On the way, the double-decker ran (or drove) into trouble, forcing the intrepid trio to disembark in search of a more effective form of transportation. Finally, the group arrived to marvel at their destination: the grand, the one and only 221B Baker Street! While the building was difficult to find, and the numbering system of the street confusing, their task was accomplished. Spurred on by their success, the band of heroes found their way to Buckingham Palace, from which they wandered to the stables and to Trafalgar square before attempting to utIlize the tube on their trek home. They narrowly escaped a train run loose in the wrong direction and rewarded themselves with a popular local ice cream parlor. With food in their bellies and ice cream on their fingers, this fragment of the group was satisfied, and their day complete.
Inspired by others’ exploits in search of boba, another group set out to take pictures at Buckingham Palace before stopping at a candy stop. Upon their return to South Kensington Station, they successfully purchased boba before a return to the dorms and a stay at T.J. 's Kitchen.
After the many groups returned from their journeys, the weary students convened in T.J.’s Kitchen (flat 002 common room style) to discuss the events of the day. There, our noble bloggers gathered to document the happenings of our second-to-last day in London while the rest of the heroes distracted the authors as much as possible (especially Annie).